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Dr Jess
Psychology Today
International Society of Study of Women's Sexual Health

Hello! Thank you for visiting and taking the first steps to  work on discovering, enhancing + embracing your whole self, brain, mind & body through a personalized and individualized  integrative medicine approach. I am currently accepting patients for Telehealth Only in both New York + South Carolina. 


My approach is using an integrative model that focuses on four key areas: Mental Health + Wellbeing, Personal Health + Wellbeing, Sexual Health + Wellbeing, and Intimate Wellness + Relationships.


I use a bioindividuality approach to meet you where you are at in your presenting concerns; understand what is going on in brain, mind & body; help you to work through using integrative approaches & techniques; help you to move forward in embracing and enhancing your whole self through the individualized & personalized plan developed together, as well as (re)create the spark in your relationship & intimate wellness.


We work together to strategize and personalize what works best for you on your journey to being your better-best self. 


My motto is "You have to do YOU before you can truly do anyone or anything else. There is no one way. There is no right way. It is YOUR way." 


I will create a safe and comfortable space to help you to explore all aspects of you and any relational dynamic. 


So let’s get started on your journey. Book a session using the link below.  


“Over the course of the past two years, I have grown to know Dr. J as the most warm, compassionate, understanding and engaging person I have ever known in my life. I came to Dr. J over two years ago with serious multiple lifelong (I am a 70 year old man) issues, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, OCD, Severe Sexual Aversion Disorder, and very confusing bisexual feelings. Dr. J has dramatically improved my life with her knowledge of and incredible insights into my problems. For the first time in my life, I am experiencing happiness.”  -A.H.

Dr. Jess's Services

I take a personalized and individualized integrative approach with patients in exploring four key areas: Mental Health + Wellbeing, Personal Health + Wellbeing, Sexual Health + Wellbeing, and Intimate Wellness + Relationships. Looking at all overlapping aspects of the WHOLE self including: psychological, emotional, physiological, behavioral, nutritional, relational, and sexual. 


All sessions are done through a secure, HIPAA compliant Telehealth Platform online that you can access with any device connected to WIFI.



Individual: $150.00 per session

Couples: $250.00 per session

(Sliding Scale Fee Available)


Moderate Plan (determined upon completion of assessment)

  • 50 Minute Session – 1 appointment every other week

  • 90 Minute Session- 1 appointment every other week


Intensive Plan (determined upon completion of assessment)

  • 50 Minute Session – 1 appointment  per week

  • 90 Minute Session – 1 appointment per week


Fee: Varies


  • 90 Minute Session – 1 appointment per week or every other week, depending on group offerings


Fee: Varies


  • Professional Development & Training

  • Seminars

  • Inservices

  • Professional Supervision in Dr.J's Integrative Model of Mental Health + Wellbeing, Personal Health + Wellbeing, Sexual Health + Wellbeing, and Intimate Wellness + Relationships


SHE Boss Collection
SHE Boss: Strong.Happy.Empowered
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